10 Best Christmas Tattoos
Tyler Martina
10 Best Christmas Tattoos
The Christmas season brings many things; higher credit card bills, embarrassing moments at office parties, and another painful, yet joyful thing, Christmas season tattoos!
Santa's elves have worked hard all year, and scoured the North Pole to find the Top 10 Best Christmas Tattoos. These Christmas tattoos are inspired by all of your favorite things about the Christmas Season. Some are naughty, and some are nice, and they will be sure to get you into the holiday spirit. And maybe, just maybe, inspire you to get a Christmas tattoo for yourself.
So, make yourself a hot cup of cocoa (with those tiny marshmallows), put on your favorite Christmas songs, and enjoy our list of the Top 10 Christmas Tattoos.
#10: Candy Cane Christmas Tattoo
Number 10 on our Best Christmas Tattoos list is a the holiday staple found in every stocking and on every Christmas tree, the Candy Cane! This "cool" Candy Cane Christmas tattoo looks great anytime of year.
Tattoo done by Tacho
#9: T-Rex Can't Put Star On Christmas Tree Tattoo
Our #9 Christmas tattoo ideas shows the softer side of the normally ferocious T- Rex. Like everyone else, he just wants to decorate is Christmas tree and put the star on top... But, is little T-Rex arms can't reach. It makes want to give this little guy a hug, and turn his T-Rex frown upside down.
Tattoo done by Devon
#8: Christmas Tree Tattoo
The iconic Christmas Tree deserves a spot on any Christmas tattoo list. Because, nothing rings in the season like; chopping down the most beautiful tree you can find, putting it in the center of your home, letting it dry out, while simultaneously adorning it with multiple flammable decorations, then lighting it with candles, all while you stuff the bottom of it with gifts as kindling.
Tattoo done by Kenny
#7: Clark Griswold National Lampoons Christmas Tattoo
Speaking of lighting up houses, National Lampoons Clark Griswold is #7 on our Best Christmas tattoos list. In this Christmas tattoo Clark is getting that look in his eyes again... As we see Santa and his slay flying in the background. I hope he really enjoys that jam of the month club!
Tattoo Artist: Johnny Smith
#6: Grinch Tattoos
Your heart is going to become dangerously enlarged just like the Grinch himself with these Grinch tattoos. Sure, he broken in the middle of night and stole Christmas, all while abusing his pet dog Max. But hey, he gave it all back, and he can cut a mean roast beast. These Grinch tattoos will have you singing "Dahoo Dores" when the Christmas sun rises.

Tattoos done by Ryan
#5: Kevin McCallister Home Alone Tattoo
And the best Mom ever award goes to .... "Mrs. McCallister!" This can be added to the list of things you will never hear. The expression on Kevin's face in this Home Alone Christmas Tattoo, is Kevin coming to the realization that after Mommy "lost him" for the second time, maybe he should be emancipated. Strangely enough, mirroring his "real life" problems.
Tattoo Artist: Bryan Merck
#4: Krampus Tattoo
No Best Christmas Tattoo list would complete without that not-so-jolly old elf ... Krampus. Worshiped by millions of parents with bratty children. And, by countless other adults who have to deal with those kids, and equally, if not more so, their parents. This Krampus Tattoo is done in the old school traditional tattoo style, just the way Krampus unleashes his justice.
(artist credit unknown, please let us know so we can link)
#3: Christmas Story Leg Lamp Tattoo
The major award itself, it must be Italian because the crate says "Fragile", the Leg Lamp. The star of one of the best Christmas movies, A Christmas Story, the leg lamp is the perfect tattoo to honor the film.
Tattoo done by Ryan
#2: John McClane Die Hard Tattoo
Yippee Ki Yay! We are to #2 in our Best Christmas Tattoo list. And, who better to be #2 than John McClane from Die Hard. Arguably the Best Christmas Movie of all time. This captures the true essence of John McClane, bloody, scared, and wearing a white tank. Plus, it also shows him in his natural environment... a ventilation duct.
Tattoo Artist: David Corden
#1: Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoos
The self proclaimed Pumpkin King, is now the King of Christmas Tattoos, coming in #1 on our list of Best Christmas Tattoos. Kidnapping Santa and stealing the holiday for himself, Jack, Zero, and all of the characters form A Nightmare Before Christmas, have been the source of tattoo inspiration during Halloween, Christmas, or any tome of year. Making Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoos a strong #1 in our list of Best Christmas Tattoos.
Top tattoos done by Ryan, and bottom tattoos done by Ryan and other Mr. Inkwells artists. to check out more Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoos CLICK HERE
Bonus Christmas Tattoos
Snow Flake Tattoo
Tattoo done by Adam
Christmas Cookie Cutter Tattoo
Tattoo done by Ryan
What Christmas Tattoos from our list were your favorites? Is there Christmas Tattoos we missed? Let us know in the comments below!
Also, the next time you want to a tattoo, whether it is holiday themed or not, book your tattoo appointment at Mr. Inkwells Tattoos, wear we can design you a tattoo that will bring you cheer no matter the time of year!
See You Soon!