How To Choose Your First Tattoo: The Definitive 5 Step Guide
Tami Martina
How To Choose Your First Tattoo: The Definitive 5 Step Guide
Getting your first tattoo is awesome, but you may be asking yourself “What should you get?” “What tattoo will be the best tattoo for me?”
Take a breath, don’t worry. Mr. Inkwells is here to help. With a few basics in mind you can make the decision of what tattoo to get an easy one. Then you can quit wasting time thinking about it and finally “Get inky”. The best tattoo for you is out there, and here is a guide to help you find it.
How To Choose Your First Tattoo Step 1: Placement
Where do you want the tattoo?
You probably have some idea of what you want, but where should you put it? In the art of tattooing your body is your canvas and with all that real estate you must decided the best place to put that fancy new tattoo. When thinking of the best location are two main factors to consider:
Do you want the tattoo visible or hidden? Some people like to show off their new ink, while others like to keep them hidden for personal or professional reasons. Whatever the case is for you and your new tattoo this is the first part in deciding where to place your tattoo.
What is your pain tolerance. You may think that tattoos on the neck or hands look cool, but can you handle the pain? While individuals pain tolerance varies, there are a few place that are very easy to get a tattoo, and few that are a bit more painful. While you shouldn’t let pain ultimately decide where you get your new tattoo it definitely something to consider.
How To Choose Your First Tattoo Step 2: Size
How big do you want the tattoo?
I don’t care what they say, “Size matters!” And this is something you must decide on when getting your new tattoo. Some go big, some like minimal and small, both are good tattoo options, one is not superior to another. This is your choice, so figure out where you stand.
How To Choose Your First Tattoo Step 3: Style
What Style Tattoo Do You Want?
Just like all art there are many different tattoos styles. Do you want something realistic, or do you want something more traditional? Do you like bright vibrant color tattoos, or are you more of a black and grey fan? Once you chosen the style you want to go with you will almost be ready to get your new tattoo.
How To Choose Your First Tattoo Step 4: Put it all together
Now that you know where you want your new tattoo, the size you want it, and the style of tattoo you want, you just need to put it all together. Search online and tattoos that inspire you and fit your specs, then put all those notes together and get them ready for your tattoo artist. You are now just one step away from getting the awesome new tattoo…
How To Choose Your First Tattoo Step 5: Tattoo Shop
What Tattoo Shop Should You Choose?
There are a lot of tattoo shops out there.. I mean a lot. Sadly, there are a lot more bad shops than good. So how do you find a good tattoo shop?
Insert Mr. Inkwells and the “Mr. Inkwells Guarantee!”
Upfront Pricing
Top Quality All Natural Inks
Clean and Classy Shops
And of course World Class Artists
We have created the Disneyland of Tattoo shops.
Family friendly and inviting, a place your mom would be comfortable getting a tattoo. The shop is full of fun innovations from online bookings and accepting Bitcoin, to games to play while you wait and a candy machine with real 25 cent tattoos.
It is our mission to make something everyone wants (tattoos) easy and enjoyable to get.
We put a big focus on helping people understand the tattoo process at shop, and even before they arrive with our walk through video that explains the process so you know what to expect.
The moment you arrive you are immediately greeted with the smell of bubble gum (which we handout) a friendly hello from our team, and of course upfront pricing.
Next, you will then be guided through the process getting your tattoo at Mr. Inkwells:
How to pick your tattoo, Pain level and time estimate, test placing your tattoo for approval, all the fun things to do while getting tattooed (Netflix, music, etc.).
Then when you tattoo is done we take pictures, share your awesome ink online, and provide you with aftercare instructions and supplies to keep that tattoo looking great for a lifetime.
It is our mission to make getting poked thousands of times with tiny needles as comfortable as possible.
Experience the revolution for yourself and learn more by visiting calling (562) 446-3656 or stopping by 10901 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos CA 90720
Then sit back, relax, and get ready to “Get Inky”
Bonus How To Choose Your First Tattoo Step: Choose Your Second Tattoo ....
How should you choose your next tattoo?
I warn you now the tattoos are addicting, they are like potato chips “I bet you can’t just have one”. Now that you have one tattoo how do you choose the next one? That is easy too, you can build off it, or follow the process above to get a completely new tattoo. Following these simple steps will ensure your first tattoo and each one after will be your best tattoo.