Free Tattoo Contest

Tami Martina

Free Tattoo Contest

Free Tattoo Contest

Do you want an awesome new tattoo?

And, do you want that tattoo to cost nothing?

Of course you do! So Enter Here

Then to ensure your best chance of actually winning…

Give yourself More Entries! and increase your odds of winning by 25x !

Step 1:

Follow us on Instagram by clicking here = 2 entries

Like our Facebook page by clicking here = 2 entries

Like any of our Instagram or Facebook posts = 1 entry per like!

Step 2:

Share any of our Facebook Posts = 5 entries

#mrinkwells with an image of your favorite tattoos = 5 entries 

Step 3:

Send us a story of the tattoo you want and why = 10 entries
Click here to email story

Total Number of entries if you follow all the steps…

25 More Chances To Win + !!!

So, go out there and win yourself a new tattoo, and remember you only have a limited time to get those extra entries.

Again, from everyone at Mr. Inkwells “Good Luck!”

See you soon!

(562) 446-3656


  • Cindy Dumaine: March 05, 2024
    Author's avatar image

    I want a botanical sleeve and a couple of my friends told me about your contest so here I am signing up!

  • David: July 26, 2023
    Author's avatar image

    This would be my first tattoo, but it’s significant to me related to my life’s story fully told through ink as a full sleeve regarding military and personal traumas.

  • Michael Angelo : July 11, 2023
    Author's avatar image

    Hell yeah I’d love some new ink

  • Royce FeatherstonIV : July 10, 2023
    Author's avatar image

    Ppleeasse!!! I’m so plian

  • Daniel Curry: May 23, 2023
    Author's avatar image

    Im trying to get a new tattoo over an old one,places here in Central Florida costs thousands,if I can get that done for free itd be nice.

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