10 Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas: Top Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tyler Martina

10 Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas Best Ideas For Tarot Card Tattoos

10 Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas: Top Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

People have been fascinated with tarot cards for ages. Whether you use them to tell your future, guide your present, or illuminate your past, tarot cards have been guiding us through the unknown for centuries.

That is why we put together our list of the Best Tarot Card Tattoo ideas! This tarot tattoos list will include classic tarot designs that you know and love, as well as some new artistic takes from our world class artists. And, every tattoo on this list  will be as alluring as the tarot itself.

So, relax your mind, hold on to one thought, and deal the cards, as we explore the unknown with the 10 Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas…

#10: The Lovers Tattoo Card Tattoo

This lovers tarot card tattoo shows to hands reaching for one another in front of a shining heart shaped sun. When tattooed upright the lovers card symbolizes pure harmony and love, the beautiful and rare connection when two souls meet and counterbalance each other.

The Lovers Tarot Card Tattoo with Hands Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Steve

#9: Le Soleil and La Luna Tarot Cards Tattoo

The sun and moon tarot card tattoos are the yin and yang of the tarot. The sun represents illumination and knowledge, and the moon represents illusions and fear.  They are both part of nature, they are both necessary, and they both serve a purpose. 

Sol and Luna Tarot Card Tattoos Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Summer

#8: Three of Wands Tarot Card Tattoo

This three of wands tattoo shows a liberated woman strutting down her path, confidently, and courageously.  When tattooed upright the three of wands means not only knowing your path, but actually following your path and progressing forward toward your vision.

Three of Wands Tarot Card Tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Devon

#7: Create Your Own Tarot Card Tattoo

Never pull any tarot cards you like? Don't worry, and design our own! Make fate bend to your will by forging your own path. Your custom tarot card tattoo can look however you want, and more importantly, mean whatever you want.

Butterfly Tarot Card style Tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Summer

#6: Four of Swords Tarot Tattoo

Even warriors must take a break now and then, and that is what the upright four of swords tattoo represents. To be as effective as we can be, we must take the time to rest, recuperate, and meditate. That way we are ready for the next challenge life brings us, with a rejuvenated body, and clear mind.

 Four of Swords Tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Ronin

#5: Sun Tarot Card Tattoo

Illuminating the shadows, shining bright as a beacon of hope, knowledge, and optimism, the upright sun tarot tattoo will give you strength even in the darkest night. The sun tarot tattoo also reminds us that no matter what there is something above us, watching us, and helping guide us.

Sun Tarot Card Tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Summer

#4: Two of Cups Tarot Card Tattoo

You may already have heard of "Two skeletons, one cup", but we present to you the lesser known, two cups, one skeleton. The two of cups represents the flow of love between two people when upright, and this tarot tattoo definitely has a lovely flow.

Two of Cups Tarot Card tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Summer

#3: The Tower Tarot Card Tattoo

The tower tarot card tattoo shows a large crumbling tower rising from a mountain peak,  the top of the tower in flames, as lightning bolts fly through the sky. The tower can represent a sudden change, chaos, or uprising. This may sound scary, but change is the only consent in life. Nature is always in flux, the days and night, the seasons, and ourselves. We must change to grow, to move forward, to truly live.

The Tower Tarot Card Tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Sara

#2: Justice Tarot Card Tattoo

The upright justice tarot card tattoo means you must ask yourself questions and put yourself on trial. Have your actions been just? Have you been fair? Have you been living in accordance with nature? The card can not answers these questions, only you. And only you have the power to honestly judge yourself and ensure you are meeting your own personal standards.

Justice Tarot Card Tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Ryan

#1: Skeleton Lovers Tarot Card Tattoo

Just as in life, our list begins and ends with love. And, this lovers tarot card tattoo proves that real love just isn't skin deep, as these skeletons are interlocked in what I can only assume is a very chalky embrace. The flowers and skeletons represent how fragile life and love is, however unlike the prior, love can last forever.

Skeleton Lovers Tarot Card Tattoo Best Tarot Card Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Summer

We hope you enjoyed our deep dive into the supernatural with our list of the Best Tarot Card Tattoo ideas. What Tarot Card tattoos got your attention? Were there any tarot card tattoos you think should have been on the list that weren’t? Let us know in the comments below.

Is a new tarot card tattoo in the cards for you? If so, make sure to book your tattoo at Mr. Inkwells tattoos, where one of our amazing artists can design you a tarot tattoo to ensure your future is bright.

See you soon!


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