10 Best Armband Tattoos: Top Ideas For Armband Tattoos

Tyler Martina

10 Best Armband Tattoos Top Ideas For Armband Tattoos10 Best Armband Tattoos: Top Ideas For Armband Tattoos

Arm bands signify many things in many different cultures. They can represent anything from bravery, to mourning. They also come in many different styles, from elaborate to simple, but they share one thing in common, they all make for great tattoos.

That is why we put together our list of the 10 Best Armband Tattoo Ideas, so you can learn everything about armband tattoos, and maybe be inspired to get an armband tattoo of your own.

So, roll up your sleeves, start flexing, and enjoy our list of the 10 Best Armband Tattoos.

#10: Cherub Armband Tattoo

The cute little Cherub always makes for good art. As you can see from the tattoo below, this holds true for armband tattoos as well. The center Cherub is going though a battle we will all fight, with good and evil pulling him in both directions.

Cherub Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Ryan

#9: Tribal Armband Tattoo

Tribal tattoos are the OG's of armband tattoos. And, before you say anything, I know this is an ankle tattoo, use your imagination, if a tattoo can wrap around any part of your body, then it can wrap around another part. What are you the armband police? I guess a handcuff would be an armband tattoo too... let's save that for the next list.

Tribal Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Rony

#8: Thick and Thin Armbands Tattoo 

Every tattoo artists dream tattoo, a straight line that wraps around the arm! If you can find a tattoo artist willing to do this tattoo, it is a great armband tattoo idea. The key is finding someone willing to put in the painstaking work to do the tattoo correctly.

Thick and Thin Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Steve

#7: Tree Armband Tattoo

The tree line on this tattoo seems to grow out of the armband. It creates an optical illusion that mimics staring into a densely forested valley, and which makes this simple tree tattoo look stunning. This is the perfect armband tattoo for a nature enthusiast.

Tree Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Steve

#6: Wave Armband Tattoo

Just as a wave travels across the ocean, this tattoo travels around the body. Water tattoos, not only waves, make awesome armband tattoo ideas because of the “fluid” nature of them, they seem to just “flow” well.

Wave Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Kenny

#5: Chain Armband Tattoo

Chains can represent many things depending on the person, captivity, a burden you carry, or even freedom from chains. Chains also work amazingly for armband tattoos, because they can wrapped in many ways, making chain tattoos our #5 idea.

Chain Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Kenny

#4: Leaves Armband Tattoo

The way vine and branches grow lend their likeness perfectly for a natural looking armband tattoo. The way they flow with the contours of the body, makes them look perfectly in place.

Leaves Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Sara

#3: Snake Armband Tattoo

the snake eating its tail, known as the Ouroboros, make a perfect armband tattoo. It's design is perfect for wrapping around body parts, and the meaning is just as cool; interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

 Snake Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Ryan

#2: Colosseum Armband Tattoo

Just as the Colosseum awed those who laid their eyes upon it, this Colosseum armband tattoo is a sight to behold. This armband tattoo shows that you can be as creative as you would with armband tattoos, and the result can be breathtaking.

Zeus an Roman Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Steve

#1: Geometric Armband Tattoo

An armband tattoo is inherently a geometric tattoo because of its circular nature. This combined with additional geometric elements, brings armband tattoos to the next level. That is geometric armbands tattoos, like the one below, and #1 on Best Armband Tattoo Ideas list.

Geometric Armband Tattoo Best Armband Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo done by Kenny

We hope you enjoyed our list of the 10 Best Armband Tattoo Ideas, what were some of your favorite Armband tattoos? Do you know any other cool Armband tattoo ideas we missed? Let us know in the comments below.

Was there an Armband tattoo that really reached out to you? Then, book your tattoo at Mr. Inkwells, where one of our talented “arm”y of artists can create an awesome Armband tattoo for you.

See you soon!


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